Propanil 4SC
Willowood Propanil 4SC for post-emergence weed control in rice is formulated as a suspension concentrate containing 4 lb active ingredient per gallon. Willowood Propanil 4SC is not a hormone-type herbicide, but kills susceptible weeds by direct contact action. For this reason, thorough coverage of emerged weeds is essential for best results. Willowood Propanil 4SC has no pre-emergence or residual herbicidal activity. Only weeds that have emerged and are exposed at time of application will be controlled. Apply Willowood Propanil 4SC only to fields that have been drained of floodwater.
Willowood Propanil 4SC is most effective if applied when susceptible grasses and broadleaf weeds are small and growing actively under favorable soil moisture and weather conditions. Early weed control removes weed competition from the rice crop, saves moisture, and generally contributes to increased yields.
Propanil: 3’, 4’-Dichloropropionanilide……………………………………………………. 41.4%
OTHER INGREDIENTS: …………………………………………………………………………… 58.6%
TOTAL: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100.0%
This product contains 4.0 lbs. active ingredient per gallon.
Willowood Propanil 4SC State Registrations
(Go to for current state registration information).
Agrian Label Search

Category: Herbicide
Specimen Label (California)
Specimen Label (Mid-South)
SDS (California)
SDS (Mid-South)
Crops: Rice