Thioben 8EC
Willowood Thioben rice herbicide provides excellent contact and residual control of key weeds including, watergrass, smallflower umbrellaplant and sprangletop. Used early postemergence in dry-seeded rice or preplant incorporated in water seeded rice, Willowood Thioben affords growers tank mix flexibility which can broaden the weed control spectrum and provide additional residual control.
Thiobencarb (S-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]
N,N-diethylcarbamothioate) ………………………. 84.0%
OTHER INGREDIENTS: …………………………………. 16.0%
TOTAL: ……………………………………………….. 100.0%
Willowood Thioben 8EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 8 lbs. thiobencarb per gallon.
Contains petroleum distillate
Willowood Thioben 8EC State Registrations
(Go to for current state registration information).
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